Overview of KMDP

Overview of KMDP

Name : Korea Marrow Donor Program(KMDP)

Purpose : KMDP publicizes the project, recruits related patients and donors, and arranges the schedules of transplant operations

Major Tasks

01 Volunteer donors Recruitment (government-supported project)
KMDP secures volunteer donors by:

Training the staff and publicizing the project;

Enrolling volunteer donors;

Managing HLA typing;

Registering volunteer donors into KONOS data;

Managing registered volunteer donors.

02 Project Coordination (Domestic field)
KMDP coordinates the project by;

Receiving applications, screening out patients, and out outsourcing volunteer donors screening:

Getting in touch with qualified donors, counseling and examining them, and collecting blood for CT / VT:

Arranging the schedules of donors and medical institutions (collection and transplant):

Helping donors to perform health checkups and donate their hematopoietic stem cells:

Follow up of donors and recipient.

03 International Cooperation
KMDP internationalizes the project by;

Helping patients to receive donation from national donors (export to international patients)

Helping patients to receive stem cell donations from international donors (import from international donors)

Cooperating with international registries.